July 2019

A Day At The Beach

I’d heard some stories of vacations for free

Those tales were nothing but white noise to me

Society taught fancy trips cost a mint

And my net worth was roughly 3 stacks of lint

So I stared at the TV eating pop tarts

Amusing myself with occasional farts

While others would fly to exotic locales

I’d strike out at bars with weird local gals

Until one random day I awoke from my coma

With a vision of Maui…or possibly Kona

But island vacations seem far away

When sweating small payments to Chevrolet

I flipped on my laptop, hoping to learn

Millions of miles I wanted to churn 

But quickly discovered with some dismay 

The points blogging world is full of foul play

Looking for wisdom, I found lie after lie

So much clown worship (see: the points guy)

Were all websites dirty and all readers blind?

Wasn’t there someone outside this grind?

After digging for answers, I figured shit out

Launching my blog with so much self-doubt

The goal was quite simple: don’t be a douche

Would there be just one reader…a dude named Anoosh?

Quickly, however, I found many ears

Not that the goal was hearing loud cheers

I never did get that Mercedes Benz

But found something richer…new non-shady friends

For years it kept going…I wrote my own way

You stood in my corner through the last day

Millions of miles have now been redeemed

Maui and Kona were all that I dreamed

I write you today from a beautiful beach

Travel now orbits in this nerd’s reach

The gift of adventure came through a niche game

For you I wish it has given the same

Maybe one day it ends (possibly out of the blue)

But until then…

This hobby has been a dream come true.

milenerdJuly 2019