United Promo

It’s time, once again, to check in with United’s Mile Play promo and see what bonuses they’re offering.

Personally, I got nothing.

But it ranges from zero to “This is borderline garbage” to “I’m not offended” to “That’s pretty damn good.”

Also, I know I need to write something here. We’re on the doorstep of the last month of 2018 and tons of you have been asking end-of-MileNerd questions. Part of waiting was that I really wanted to get through the year here in a “business as usual” way. Another big part is…I’ve just had a ton to organize…a lot to think about…and so much that I want to say. So, here’s how I’d like to close out 2018…

I’ll finish the year as usual. Meaning, writing 5 posts a week until taking a few days off for the holidays. And then January 1st, I’ll come back and write those posts. Most likely over a couple of weeks…to talk about what it meant to do this for so many years, why anyone would spend those hours on a “job” with no paycheck, how this will be evolving, what I want to give you, the future outlook of this game, and all the rest of the stuff that is on my mind. Those will be longer, wide-ranging, fiery posts…the type of stuff a lot of you guys seem to like/want from me. There’s a ton to be said. And I promise I’ll be saying it. I’d just really like to finish out the year first. Have a great weekend, nerds!

milenerdUnited Promo