A Whopping $1

In what has to be the smallest deal in the history of MileNerd, you can get a free buck from Hotel Tonight. A buck?? Obviously (I hope), the point of this deal isn’t the dollar. It’s that you can delay your Hotel Tonight credit balance from expiring for another year.

If you already use Hotel Tonight:

  1. Open the app.
  2. Click “Credits.”
  3. Type HEYMAMA in the “Redeem Promo Code” box.
If you don’t use Hotel Tonight:
  1. Download the app on your phone or iPad.
  2. Open the app.
  3. Click “Credits.”
  4. Type RWALIA3 in the “Redeem Promo Code” box. This gives you a free $25.
  5. Do the 3 steps above.


milenerdA Whopping $1