British Airways Lesson

Like so many of you with busy lives, I find it hard to get away for long stretches. My trips right now tend to be quick domestic getaways for a few days. When I’m lucky, I can occasionally  get as far as Hawaii. This type of travel is probably boring to some of you, but I’m really enjoying my exploration of America. When it comes to flying within the country, I have 2 big loves…

  1. The Southwest Companion Pass
  2. British Airways Avios points

Of course there are a million helpful tools, but these 2 mean the most (by far) to my domestic travel. I talked about the Companion Pass yet again recently, so wanted to point you to a couple great posts from Travel Summary here and here. These lessons on Avios points are incredibly helpful for newbies, a great refresher for experts, and are must-read for all  in my never-very-humble opinion. Between the British Airways credit card, Ultimate Rewards points from Chase, and Membership Rewards from Amex…it is very easy to earn Avios. It’s probably a good idea to learn how to use them.


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