Bye Office Depot

On Thursday, I talked about how Vanilla Reload cards were getting weird at Office Depots near me. On Friday, I shared reader comments about how I was paranoid. This weekend, Office Depot took Vanilla Reload cards out of their stores. The lesson? MileNerd knows all.

Here are other things we know:

  • Vanilla Reloads are still available (CVS, Walgreens, 7-11, Dollar General, Family Dollar, and other stores). Just go out and search a little bit and you’ll find them.
  • You only get 5 times the points when you buy Vanilla Reload cards from office stores with an Ink card.
  • You can still buy regular gift cards at office stores (including Office Depot) to meet your minimum spend. You can use an Ink card for 5 times the points.
  • Summary…the worst-case scenario is you don’t have an Ink card, you still have to get a Bluebird, and you need to search for a store that carries Vanilla Reload cards near you. That means with a little bit of effort, you don’t have to worry about meeting minimum spends anymore. That’s the worst-case scenario. You’re in good shape.

milenerdBye Office Depot