Double Rocketmiles Bonus Today

I was happy to hear from the fine folks at Rocketmiles yesterday. Nah, I still haven’t booked my first stay with them but I do like their style. They strike me as decent people in a travel industry so full of…well, you know. I’ll check this deal in the morning and see if I can make my first booking. It looks promising…

Today for 24 hours (starting at 8:00 AM CST), get 2x the miles. Any partner. Any number of nights. New customers only. This one-day promo is because Rocketmiles has twice the partners they had a year ago.

Again, I still haven’t booked with them or any of their competitors. Good chance I’ll do it today, though. For those new to this, the main players in the miles-for-hotel stays game are Rocketmiles, PointsHound, and Kaligo (American or United). No real incentive for loyalty from any of them…I’d go wherever the best deal is.


milenerdDouble Rocketmiles Bonus Today