Guest Posts In 2016

Ok, I’m finally getting back to all the emails from my post asking for requests a couple weeks ago…

The first question I wanted to answer here is one I heard a few times. Reader Sam asked it simply enough when he wrote, “MileNerd would you ever be interested in having guest posts?”

My easy answer is “Sure. Why not.”

The longer answer is, “That’s a tricky question.” And here’s why:

  • First, do you have something interesting to say? That’s pretty rare.
  • Second, can you write well? That’s very rare.
  • Most importantly…will you find the time and motivation to actually write anything at all?

I honestly don’t mean that as an insult. But you’d be very surprised how many times people have asked me about guest posts. I answer that I’m open to it every time. Almost every single person has never written one word back.

It’s hard to write something. Silly as that sounds. Even on a blog, which is as far from writing the great American novel as it gets. I guess the blank page can be daunting.

So, sure, I have no problem with the idea of guest posts. You can even have a huge cut of the blog’s profits (there are none) and could link to your own website or blog. I actually think it would be cool to have a weekly guest post about niche topics like award booking, manufactured spending, reselling, or mileage runs.

But I just don’t see it happening.

Oh well. The blank page wins again.

(Please feel free to prove me wrong, Sam).


milenerdGuest Posts In 2016