Hotel Tonight Contest

If you already use Hotel Tonight:

  1. Open the app.
  2. Click “Credits.”
  3. Type GETLUCKY in the “Redeem Promo Code” box.
  4. This will give enter you in Friday’s drawing for a bunch of prizes including a free trip for 2 to Ireland (plus a $2,000 hotel credit). You also get a free $1 adding to your account.
If you don’t use Hotel Tonight:
  1. Download the app on your phone or iPad.
  2. Open the app.
  3. Click “Credits.”
  4. Type RWALIA3 in the “Redeem Promo Code” box. This will give you a free $25.
  5. Do the 4 steps above to enter the contest.

What does MileNerd think about Hotel Tonight? 
Well, it’s pretty solid. It’s something you will use when you’ve tried other options and need a room for one night. It’s the sleekest looking travel app I have and the easiest to use. Whoever designed it should get a bonus. The best use for Hotel Tonight is telling your friends about it so you earn enough credits for free stays. My first preference is always going to be using points for my stays at great hotels. If that’s not happening, I try some rock-bottom bidding on Priceline. After that, if I can’t use any codes to find a great rate, I’ve been known to use Hotel Tonight. Definitely best for a one-night stay. It’s not going to be your first option, but it’s a good app to have and I’m always a supporter of free money. I’d give it a 6.5 out of 10 overall. With slightly lower prices, it would be a solid 8.
milenerdHotel Tonight Contest