Miles For Mom

Sending flowers to mom this weekend? Why not get a few miles out of it? 3 great options are…

  • 35 Delta SkyMiles per dollar spent + 500 miles per order.
  • 30 American Airlines miles/dollar from 1-800-Flowers.
  • 30 American miles/dollar from FTD, plus 200 miles if you have a Citibank card.

And with that business taken care of, here are the 3 greatest Yo Mama jokes ever told…

3. Yo Mama so fat, I took a picture of her last Christmas and it’s still printing.
2. Yo Mama so dumb when you were driving to Disneyland, she saw a sign that said “Disneyland Left.” So she went home.
1. Yo Mama so heavy that when she sat on her iPod, she invented the iPad.

(MileNerd takes a bow)


milenerdMiles For Mom