My Other Websites

I’ve intentionally only posted about my “real life” here once. Still, it does find a way to come up from time to time. A few readers recognized me on Grey’s Anatomy a few weeks ago and emailed, asking why I didn’t write about it here. My answer? Because this is a mile and points blog, not a blog about my life. That being said, it’s also a blog with the intention of helping people. A conversation came up yesterday with a few MileNerd friends and I decided to also post it here.

My website has been redone at A big advantage for people in Los Angeles is you will now be able to search the MLS for properties and won’t be limited to the crappy free options. For those outside of LA, I’ve been working on a new project for months. I see people screwed by bad agents and brokers every week, so I came up with a solution – The goal is very simple – to find people a top real estate agent in their local market and save some headaches. Again, I appreciate every referral, and my team and I love having the opportunity to help you. Back to miles on Monday!

milenerdMy Other Websites