Lisa Lubin

Last month, I talked about a friend of MileNerd,  Steve Gempeler. Today, it’s my pleasure to mention another – Lisa Lubin. As one of the biggest travel bloggers around, she’s already an inspiration to some of you. Her story is the type of thing that frees the rest of us up to take more risks in life. I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by her here and I hope you enjoy it!

milenerdLisa Lubin

Thursday Triple

  • Lots of you are frustrated with airlines getting in the way of AwardWallet. Personally, I’m still loyal to AwardWallet and hope they’ll find more solutions. Still, I’m here to show you all the good choices for your miles. Some people think there’s a possible good competitor for AwardWallet here
  • For you new year’s resolutioners – grab 2,000 United Airlines miles for a gym membership here.
  • After a bad customer service experience at BankDirect, I stopped posting anything about them. But they have a new refer-a-friend program worth looking at here. It’s 1,000 American Airlines miles for the person who refers and 1,000 for the one who gets referred. BankDirect is an easy way to earn miles every month if you have a good amount of money in your checking account. I just didn’t like my customer service experience there and I hate the $12 monthly fee. If you’re looking for someone to refer you, find someone fast here.

milenerdThursday Triple

Interesting Card Offer

I’ll have the latest Top 25 Credit Card post up next week, but here’s an interesting one in the meantime for some of you… 

LAN (which specializes in flights to South America) has a 20,000 mile offer here. Get the bonus after your first use. It’s not a huge amount, but this one isn’t through any of the main 3 issuers. It’s a jackpot finding cards from anyone other than Chase/Citibank/Amex. This bad boy is from US Bank.
milenerdInteresting Card Offer

Welcome To 2013

Tonight is my first attempt at writing a post after a champagne toast (or 4). I don’t drink much, so if I make it through this without a typo…well, that’s not going to happen. Here goes nothing…

2,500 free Jet Airways miles for new members who sign up through their Facebook page here. They’re free miles, so everyone should take them. That being said, they’re extra useful for anyone traveling to India in the future.

milenerdWelcome To 2013

Last Post Of 2012

What a year for MileNerd! The feedback I’ve gotten from you guys is ridiculously heartwarming. In my last post of the year, I want to talk about something that comes up a lot.

How I can help you – I love the feedback about posts you’d like to see, but I’m dealing with a problem (a really good problem). This blog has grown a lot. I should probably add comments, but I’m just not ready to do that yet. I’ll keep responding to every question and idea for posts. I’ll answer as fast as I can, but that’s become much slower lately. For those on Facebook, add me and contact me through there. I’m finding it much easier to keep comments organized that way. I do really enjoy getting to know each other, but man, that messaging feature is such a better way for me to respond to questions.

How you can help me – This one is hard. I’m beyond terrible at asking for things. People keep emailing to paypal me money, help me out in some way, etc. Reader (and now friend) Dan even sent me a gift in the mail today! Here’s the thing, guys. I’m not taking donations. At some point, I’ll find a way to monetize MileNerd without selling out. The only thing you could do for me is to bring referrals to my “real life” business. You can think of me as your worldwide real estate expert. If you know anyone looking to buy or sell anywhere, send them my way. I’ll find them a top-rated agent in their area. Obviously, if anyone is looking in Southern California, I’ll be able to do the deal personally. Other than that, I don’t want or need anything. I really appreciate the offers…you guys are crazy nice…but keep your money.

So, until 2013 it is! Take a week and get away from blogs, Flyertalk, and anything to do with airline miles. Completely get away from it. Enjoy your families and come back refreshed. We’ve got a lot to do in the new year. Happy holidays, my MileNerds!

milenerdLast Post Of 2012