Plastiq Explosive

(Please hold your applause for that title)

Man, another great email to share. You guys are killing it this week! This one is from Stephen, who wanted others to know some important feedback on Plastiq. That email is below:

Hey Paul,
I tried out Plastiq after seeing the blog post about it and it has caused so many problems!  I just wanted to let you know so you can warn your readers.
I tried to pay my rent using Plastiq but what they don’t tell you until after you press confirm is that it takes something like 10 days to process your payment.  Additionally, if you rent from a person rather than a company as I do, they will put the payment on hold until you send in a rental agreement or invoice.  After all these issues and delays and now being late on my rent, I cancelled the payment.  I received a email from my very angry landlady today stating that a company called “Plastiq” had withdrawn the rent amount from her bank account without authorization causing her account to be overdrawn…  She’s submitting a fraud complaint to her bank.  What a mess!  Anyways,  I would warn your readers about the potential dangers of using that service.
Thanks for all you do.  You’re a rockstar!
funny arm
milenerdPlastiq Explosive