PreCheck With Avios

There are 2 prerequisites to this post:

  1. Knowing that I love TSA PreCheck.
  2. Knowing that I love British Airways Avios even more.
My feelings have always been strong for Avios points. Hoarder that I am, I’ve built up a big pile of them. But in the last few weeks, my love has turned into full-on lust. Hmm…this might be getting awkward (again). Anyway, being able to use Avios for US Airways flights has me going gaga. Which brings me to the point of this post…
I just booked a US Airways flight to the east coast using some Avios points. Since British Airways is a foreign airline, I wasn’t able to enter my Known Traveler Number (for slackers – the magical little digits that give me my beloved TSA PreCheck access). This is a dilemma, right? I mean, I need my PreCheck. I can’t use regular security lines like some kind of commoner. What am I, an animal?!?
The solution is actually pretty simple. I just had to take the following steps (under 30 seconds):
  1. I went to the Finnair website.
  2. Clicked “Manage Booking.” It’s the big box right above “Check In Online.”
  3. Entered my last name and booking reference number. This pulled up the flight.
  4. Changed the frequent flyer information for the booking. It showed my British Airways number, so I just switched it to my American Airlines information. Obviously, my Known Traveler Number is in my American account.
  5. Done.
The lesson, as always…if you don’t want to suck, PreCheck is your friend. MileNerd out!
milenerdPreCheck With Avios