Thursday’s Deals

  • I heard from Charles at a new website called TripStreak. It launches today and, if it can actually do what he says, it’s going to be pretty damn cool. He told me it’s the first search engine “that displays the number of award miles, status miles, and segments you can earn for each flight.” I’ll check it out later and will hopefully get feedback from you guys too. They’re going to post a detailed description of how it works in the next few hours.
  • Like free money? Get 15 bucks for using Visa Checkout if you have a Sapphire card.
  • Or 30 bucks for spending $150 at Staples with an Ink card.
  • Make sure you register for Starwood’s newest promo. Same as always…more points for stays.
  • Frank found 50 bucks to go with his 80,000 points for the InterContinental card. He said you might need to use an incognito browser on this one.


milenerdThursday’s Deals