Welcome ESPN Magazine Readers

Just wanted to say hi to all of you guys who found me from ESPN Magazine! As far as I go, the article covered a lot of it, but here’s the quick version:

I was born in Canada and grew up in West Virginia. As an Indian guy, I was obviously different than most of the people around me, so imagination became a big part of my life. It turned me into a creative person who got used to not being “normal.” Thinking outside of the box was a given and I eventually became an actor in California. I’ve had the good fortune to work quite a bit in TV and commercials through the years. I didn’t want to be limited just as an actor, so I always looked for opportunities to learn. After some commercials ran, I had money in my pocket for the first time and got into real estate. Things moved fast from there. I loved the process of buying a property, fixing it up, and selling for a profit. It was a perfect mix of numbers and creativity which fit right into my personality. I helped friends buy and sell and became more and more involved in different parts of the business. Acting and real estate are the two big passions in my life and I’m happy to spend most of my day doing the things I love.

Miles and points obviously became another interest. I’d seen some middle-class families travel like they were millionaires. I eventually realized how much could be gained from doing just a little work (and I always loved things like this). So, yeah, I’ve made millions of miles/points in the last few years and I know quite a few of my readers have done the same. Others have done a lot more. And the thing is… it isn’t really that much work. The idea here is that most other mile/point blogs are complicated and wordy. I try to get to the point in as few words as possible.

Please feel free to email me anytime (there’s a Contact Me link on the right side of the page). You can also add me on Facebook. I’m happy to answer any mile/point questions you have, but I ask that you please read the Newbie Guide on the right side of the page first. I don’t use affiliate credit card links, and people always ask how they can help. The only thing I can think of is that I really, really appreciate referrals. So if anyone is looking for a realtor anywhere in the world, please send them to BestLocalRealty. In California, RohitRealty is even better. Other than that, I don’t think I need too much. But thank you for thinking of me. Many of my readers have become friends, so I hope the same will be true for some of you who just found me.

For everyone who hasn’t seen the article yet, here it is online. It’s the inside back cover article in the print edition. And, no, I never thought I’d have a full-page article about me in ESPN Magazine. Hope you enjoy it!

milenerdWelcome ESPN Magazine Readers