Why AwardWallet Doesn’t Suck

I hear a lot of comments from people complaining about AwardWallet these days. The basically all have the same general theme – “AwardWallet doesn’t track all the airlines anymore. They were once great, but not in 2013.” And on and on. Sorry people, I think you’re wrong. I’m a huge fan of AwardWallet but I’m not blinded by love. Here’s why I’m still a big fan:

  • First, you get a lot of coupons and vouchers in this game. A ton of them. And, with AwardWallet, you know exactly what you have and when they expire. 
  • Second, you don’t have to memorize your airline and hotel account numbers if you use AwardWallet.
  • Third, you don’t have to remember user names and passwords.
  • Fourth, you get a running total of your mile and point balance.
  • Fifth, you get notifications that save you from worrying about accounts expiring.
Finally, there is a workaround for the airlines which “don’t work” anymore. You can forward Delta, United, and Southwest statements your AwardWallet email address and automatically update them there. American is the only airline you have to manually keep track of, but you can do that through AwardWallet. So, after careful review, I stand by my opinion that AwardWallet still rules. MileNerd out.
milenerdWhy AwardWallet Doesn’t Suck