July 2023

Chai Tea

Had any interesting conversations lately?

You remember those…

Focused on a person more than a device. Engaged. Brain stimulated.   

I just had one of those old-school chats. Courtesy of a longtime reader named James. An affable guy who has emailed for years. Apparently, he lives just a few exits down the freeway. Asked if I’d be interested in meeting. Sure, why not? After all, meeting new people has given me the biggest gifts in all my time doing this. Ok, did it used to feel like going on strange blind dates with dudes? Were there very awkward moments along the way? Absolutely. But, man, there are just so many positive examples now. Strangers turning into readers. Then readers evolving into friends.

12 years into all this, it feels perfectly normal.

We met at my favorite Indian restaurant. James didn’t seem to be an internet weirdo or a serial killer. Good start. Actually, he didn’t appear to possess the awkward gene at all. We dove quickly beyond the usual bro date topics. You know that list – sports, food, money, and women. He actually had more interesting things to say. The conversation flowed like a warm cup of chai.

(Editor’s note: That word literally means tea. So when people order “chai tea” at Starbucks, they’re saying, “tea tea.” Just fyi)

Between bites of curry, James mentioned a passage from a book. The name escapes me. Because…old. That author spoke on a topic I’ve been meaning to mention for months. Brace yourself. You might feel some inner resistance…

All of us (yes, you too) are hardwired to be more influenced by negativity. It doesn’t mean you’re not a “positive person.” Just that negative experiences carry a heavier weight.

James brought up this example:

Your broker calls and says, “Buy more shares immediately!!!”


That same broker calls and exclaims, “Sell your shares right now!!!”

One of those two things will trigger a stronger emotion in you.

(Assuming you are even remotely honest with yourself, you know which one it is)

We all have a bias…a lean.

The reality of this is tough to accept. When two opposite events of equal intensity come at you…the negative one hits harder. Yeah, I know. Something inside you is fighting that. Same as with me. It’s a “programming flaw” that doesn’t feel great. But we could build a skyscraper by stacking up all the research. It’s real. There’s just no need to beat yourself up about it…

This evolved centuries before you were born. Out of the innate human tendency to look for danger lurking in our environment. Y’know, the same shit that saved your ancestors. Keeping them alert about threats to their lives. So, no, it’s not your fault. Yeah, you devoured a “negativity bias” gumbo. But it was marinating for hundreds of years.

Step 1:
See it.

Step 2:
Irrelevant right now. Since most people won’t get past the first step.

As you know, we humans can be super dishonest with ourselves when dealing with unpleasant feelings. We bob and weave. We do our denial dance. We make up stories.

It’s hard to look at the things we don’t want to be true.

Let me share a memory…

After graduating, I headed out west. Got a job teaching night school at a shitty technical college. It kept my days free to do my real work. The school had an admissions department. Those reps were trained to “find the pain” in any prospective student. To dig. Why do these people want a degree? What’s wrong with their current situation? There’s something they don’t feel good about. Get to the root of it.

For example:

“I hate where I live. We have five of us in a 2-bedroom apartment. It’s a dangerous neighborhood. We need to get out before something happens.”


“I wish I could give my daughter the birthday present she wants. The kind of life she wants. It breaks my heart seeing her teased about her clothes.”


Now you can close the sale.

Negative bias is a concept that many salespeople understand. The way a strong negative feeling can compel someone to sign their name. And how just talking about positive benefits might not get it done.

Start noticing the ways negative bias lives inside you…

How a 1-star Yelp review grabs your attention differently than a 5-star review.

Or if your spouse hints you’ve put on weight? Realizing they could express how sexy you are every day for the next month. It won’t make the same kind of splash.

Years ago, I wrote a post entitled, “Why Everyone Sucks.”

I’ve written hundreds of better things. By my standards, that was a fairly average piece of writing. But since we’re discussing this concept…

We should also see the ways we manipulate other people through their negativity bias. I got more pats on the back from that post than any other. Why? Because I manipulated the hell out of my readers. Now, I had no clue I was doing it at the time. I just wanted positive feedback. But getting it that way is almost too easy. Rant. Howl at the moon. It’s almost like taking advantage of someone’s handicap.

In fact, why don’t we dig even deeper into this…

Really start looking at social media. Notice how much engagement a post gets when it triggers our collective negativity bias. Or what about the most glaring example? That’s right. Politics. And, no, I won’t talk about Trump, Biden, or any of the specific characters. I just want you to really see how easy this is. Look at how people engage when this kind of tone is used:

“What a disaster those people are.”

“They’re coming for you.”

“That group is infringing on your rights.”

“Your way of life is in danger.”

“I’ll tell you who you should blame for your problems…”

No politician would win by saying:
“Guys, look in the mirror. The main reason for your struggles is you. Not because of anything being done to you. Not because of some enemy coming for you. I’m refusing to push your simpleton button. I want to give you more credit than that. So, here’s where I stand on the key issues. Will this put you to sleep? Maybe. But at least I won’t play games with your emotions. Just realize one thing. In the end, none of us will be responsible for how your life goes. Good or bad. That’s up to you. I can’t save the day. None of these candidates can.”

Sounds pretty cool in theory, right?

But we’re not wired to respond to that.  

It doesn’t get our blood flowing in the same way. And, with politics, you’re probably thinking of yourself as an exception. But it’s exactly how social media engages you. Or the stories you read. Even just celebrity gossip. You’re drawn to a cheating scandal more powerfully than you are to a story about a steady, happy marriage. This is how we operate. When someone yells at you in traffic, it has a bigger emotional impact than when someone allows you to go in front of them.

Negativity bias lives inside all of us.

So what do we do about it?

Well, that’s up to you. My goal today? Just getting through step one. Seeing it. I’m well aware many people will have a hard time doing that. It’s better keeping shit simple, right? Stamp nice labels on ourselves and avoid looking at how we actually operate. Hey, maybe we should just go all-in. Y’know, pretend that nobody has any impact on you at all. That things like trauma are made-up concepts. And that you are a “positive person” – which means being totally immune to negativity bias. Forget all the annoying he/she/them stuff. Just start identifying as a robot. That’ll remove all the messiness of being a person.

Yeah, I guess that’s one way to go…

Or maybe just take a look?

milenerdJuly 2023

June 2023

Being Neighborly

Whirlwind last month for me.

Numerous flights. Multiple cities. A variety of subpar meals at 30,000 feet.

Fortunately, my greatest passion in life is observing people. So, I decided to get to work. While in the air, I conducted in-depth research about our fascinating species. Studying passengers. Compiling pages of notes. Nodding enthusiastically from the back of the plane.

So many lessons were learned. My friends, this is a banner day in the travel industry. Without further ado, I present…

The top 5 ways to be a great seat neighbor on your next flight:

1 – Begin a very loud phone call right as the boarding process commences. Ideally, increasing your volume as you enter the line. Inane conversations work great. And, based on my observations, those are pretty much the only types of phone calls people make.

But don’t overthink this. Your conversation can be work-related, flirty, or an intense argument. Doesn’t matter. Just as long as it remains loud. See, people in airports are starved for entertainment. So, the key thing to remember is that all of your calls should take place via speakerphone. This does involve some imagination. You’ll need to mentally convince yourself that you exist in a time without earbuds, headphones, or AirPods. Much like an actor going into character.

Now, I know what you’re wondering…

How long should this incredibly loud conversation last?

Great question. Attempt to keep it going until the exact moment a flight attendant threatens to confiscate your device. Or until airborne. Unfortunately, this will mean no more entertainment for your fellow passengers. But fear not. You still have wifi on your smartphone. Which means a long journey through the sky – plenty of time to enjoy a John Wick film. Or possibly the entire series.

(Important note: Remember to stay in character. You still exist in a time without headphones)

We now arrive at a fundamental question…

Do people on airplanes really want to sleep? Of course not. The seats are cramped and uncomfortable. They only nap because of boredom. Your fellow passengers want one thing most of all – to be emotionally moved by Keanu Reeves. So, crank up the sound. Mimic the explosion noises with your mouth. Seat neighbors and flight crew will appreciate your kind spirit.

Sharing is caring.

2 – Have children. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. That’s a pretty big sacrifice just to be a good seat neighbor. But, really, what else are you doing? Just view it as an opportunity to get freaky and have a bunch of unprotected sex. Who doesn’t want that? And, just a few short months later, a child will painlessly appear. Super easy stuff.

Now comes the childrearing…

Important step. You’ll want to do this in a very specific way. Because normal is another word for boring. There should be no resemblance between your baby and all the other lame, “well-behaved” little munchkins out there. Life is for living. Your spawn will be a screaming, moaning force of nature. One who routinely terrifies the rest of the airplane. Why is that so important? Because fear of your baby will distract the other passengers from their fear of flying. See? This is the kind of person you are. Routinely thinking of others.

Sure, it won’t always be easy. But greatness never is. Soon after takeoff, the old guy across the aisle will start muttering vulgarities to himself. Others will silently wonder if you brought a demon baby into the world. Fair question. A flight attendant might even Google, “How to do an exorcism.” Yes, your child will wail. Long and hard. Quickly driving the entire cabin to the brink of insanity. But you must stay strong. Their vacation will start in a few short hours. And it will be the best one of their lives. Because they’ll feel more gratitude to be on the ground than ever.

They’ll owe it all to you and little Damien.

3 – Have you ever noticed the power of music? It transports us. Makes us feel more alive. Don’t you dream of giving that type of gift to the world? Well, if you don’t play an instrument, no problem. This one just takes a bit more planning. You’ll need to arrive at your seat ready to put on a concert of sorts. Which takes dedication. Preparing for the day much like a high-level athlete would. You’ll need to eat all the right things, do breathing exercises, and relax yourself. Really get into a gassy state of mind. Then just let it rip for the duration of your flight. When I say “let it rip,” I do mean that in the literal sense. Now, if you figure out a way to time your toots in a rhythmic pattern? Even better. Just remember to vary the notes. Long and slow bass sounds are great…but follow them with quick, high-pitched squeals. Truly great musicians have range. The goal is to be extremely consistent. Keep your song playing until all passengers have exited the aircraft. Don’t be alarmed if they depart in a hurry. That’s simply because they need to catch connecting flights.

Does your impressive stamina deserve a platinum status of some kind? Of course. But, remember, you aren’t in this for trophies or applause. You are simply sharing your gift.

4 – Much like on the ground, it’s so important to take care of your body while in the air. What matters more than our health? Without it, we have nothing. And, if we want to help those around us, we need to stay in tip-top physical shape. Which means learning to set boundaries when necessary. For example…

If someone in front of you attempts to recline their seat, don’t just sit there in silence. That could lead to cramping. Or even muscle spasms. So, push back. And, to be clear, that’s not a figure of speech. Literally push back on their chair with all of your force. It protects your space and is one of the best shoulder/tricep workouts you can do on a plane.

I know what you’re thinking…

What if they don’t like it?

Well, let’s be real. That’s entirely possible. As you know, people are often unreasonable. Someone might even turn around and explain how they’re using their seat in the exact way it’s designed to be used. In that case, do not engage. Just close your eyes. And allow yourself to drift peacefully to sleep. Stress is the enemy of good health. And proper rest is a key ingredient when trying to stay in top physical condition.

Side note:
Airplanes do get very quiet. This lack of sound tends to make your fellow passengers very uncomfortable. It’s unsettling. So, if you do snore, that wonderful trait will help greatly as a way to cut through the deafening silence. And try not to think about the irrational person in front of you. Most Americans agree that reclining should be outlawed. No doubt about it, the other passengers will fully support your healthy lifestyle. They will take notice of your commitment to fitness.

5 – I have one final revelation to share from last month’s in-depth research.

Probably the most important lesson of all.

Yes, physical health is critical. We all understand that. But mental health is just as essential. And, far too often, it gets overlooked. We’re so busy looking after everyone else that we forget to have fun and relax in our lives.

An airplane is the perfect place to rediscover your joy. On the ground, you reside in a buzzsaw of activity. Always playing catchup. Never enough minutes in a day.

But in the air?

Hours of free time.

As soon as the drink cart arrives, it’s important to start ordering alcohol. Since you’re not driving, this is a great opportunity to cut loose. You should tell your flight attendant that the reclining person in front of you is picking up the tab. This is what’s known as an “olive branch.” It tells the inconsiderate recliner that you hold no grudges. Everyone makes mistakes. And you forgive them for their soon-to-be-felonious act of selfishness.

When’s the next time you’ll have a stretch of free hours like this? Hard to say. So, really try to cut loose. Alcohol is a very effective relaxant. One without any side effects or consequences. Find your bliss. Drink to your heart’s content.

-If that means busting out some of your favorite show tunes, by all means go for it. Your fellow passengers will undoubtedly sing along with you.

-If that means letting out some stress and breaking down in tears…this is the perfect location to do it.

Bottling up your emotions is a slow death. Don’t you deserve better than that? By the time you land, a heavy weight should be lifted from your shoulders. You should feel reenergized. Far better equipped to take care of those around you.

Oh, and if you happen to fall asleep after drinking copious amounts of alcohol?

Just make sure to stretch your legs in the aisle. It will prevent injury. As well as providing a fun activity for your fellow passengers. They will find great entertainment in trying to climb over your dangling limbs. You’ll provide them with a much-needed form of exercise. They’ll be able to stretch their own legs in the process.

See? Even when asleep passed out, you’re the kind of person who helps others.

Happy travels, my friends!

(Note: Any resemblance in the above writing to people on my recent flights is purely coincidental)

milenerdJune 2023

May 2023

Thousand Oaks

Multiple disclaimers before we begin…

Disclaimer 1:
You’ve probably noticed how I try to balance out heavy posts with funny ones. We’re due for the latter. But something happened. There’s no way to avoid talking about it. And, yeah, it’s crazy this happened right after last month’s post.

Disclaimer 2:
Each month, I edit and proofread these posts to get them right. Which takes a lot of time. Please forgive any written sloppiness this month. I won’t be doing any proofreading. I don’t think I have it in me to keep reading and editing this.

Disclaimer 3:
With post-retirement MileNerd, the goal is simple – to connect with you. That’s the reason I write this way. And about all these subjects. If I’m not super vulnerable here…there’s literally no reason to do it. But, this month, I do have one additional goal…

I want you to know what it’s like (emotionally) during those crazy stories you see in the news. You know the ones. The thing is, I was in the middle of one of these stories recently. An incident where a man (who had just stabbed two people at Walmart) drove through a group of children. I sincerely hope you never have to experience this type of thing. But it feels like it might be important to share what that moment feels like.

Disclaimer 4:
If you have any personal history with this type of event, I don’t want to trigger any pain in you. Please skip this month’s post if the above paragraph feels too close to home.

(End of disclaimers)

It’s a bit fuzzy, but here’s what I remember…

A casual Tuesday afternoon. Taking in a matinee with my girlfriend, Linda. Discounted tickets and recliner seats? Yes please. I mean, who can turn down a Nic Cage vampire flick? Well, probably most people. But we sure enjoyed the hell out of it. After the movie? No big plans. Just a slow drive home. Probably some takeout on the way back.

We drive around the corner of this picturesque suburb. The kind of place where you never hear a car horn. At a red light, I watch as high school kids cross in front of me. Heading to their bus stop. I say, “Man, I remember so clearly how big I felt at that age. But they’re still such babies.”

I look back at the red light for a moment. Then I notice all the kids scurrying right next to me. I look to the side – at a car completely flipped over and smoking. How is it possible I didn’t even hear a sound?


(Just the start of many more surreal thoughts and feelings to come)

I quickly put the car in park and turn the hazard lights on. There are children laying on the sidewalk with deep wounds. Scattered shoes that flew off from the impact.  

(To be clear, I have no clue what an expert does in a situation like this. All I can share is how it felt. And my main recollection is that everyone seemed to be in various states of shock)

I call 911. It’s busy. So, I keep calling. Still extremely confused about how I didn’t hear anything. And trying to take in all the chaos around me. A car flipped over? Driving through these kids?

I keep trying to get through to 911. But, even as I’m doing it, there’s a kind of blank confusion. That’s really what it feels like more than “shock.” A foggy blankness.

Now, I have no idea if vehicles really explode like they do in the movies. But I see smoke pouring out of this car. I see liquid, that I assume is gasoline, dripping from the bus stop. It’s my main concern. I yell to Linda and the kids who are still standing:


Again, the feeling is surreal – even while saying the words. It’s happening but it’s not happening.

Much like a dream state.



In the meantime, Linda is crouched down with Charlotte. A 15-year-old girl laying on the sidewalk. She’s in pain from a broken leg. Deep wounds up and down her arm. She says she wants her mom – and that she drives a black car. Charlotte, like everyone else, is in a very confused state. Linda says she needs to check on Wesley. He’s farther down the sidewalk and is convulsing. His body is violently twitching.

I notice more shoes on the sidewalk. How many kids were hit?

Charlotte cries and says, “Please don’t leave me.” Linda assures her that she’ll be right back.

Over by Wesley, his young classmate and friend Alex appears to be in total shock. Saying, “I saw him breathe – and then he didn’t breathe again” in a very confused way. Wesley is no longer moving or breathing. Linda tells Alex to say something to his friend. Speak to him. Alex asks, “What do I say?”

Nobody knows what to do. Linda says, “Just keep talking.” But she knows what she’s looking at. I finally get through to 911. Help is on the way. Linda now appears to be in a state of shock too. Whispering, “I think that boy just died” with a haunted look on her face. She’s completely pale. I still have a hard time shaking that image. Or the image of Wesley’s body shaking.

We go back to Charlotte. And another boy, Joey, who lays next to her. He says, “I broke my leg.” The words come out of him in the calmest way imaginable. Softly, he says, “I can’t find my phone.”

A man walks by saying he thinks another body flew over the ridge. But he says it in a way that indicates he’s not all there either. People are just kind of wandering around. For some reason, it’s not fully occurring to me that a boy has died. It’s like part of my brain doesn’t want to grasp how serious this is. My own state of shock, I guess.

I realize Linda’s car will block the path for paramedics when they show up. I quickly jump in and re-park around the corner. I run back to the scene, still worried that the flipped over vehicle will blow up.

This is a busy street with dozens of cars around. Nobody is driving anymore. But hardly anyone has gotten out. Only a few scattered adults are there with us. I don’t think it’s coldness or cruelty. Fear is no doubt a factor but it really just feels like everyone’s brain is having a hard time grasping how serious this is.

Charlotte knows she’s hurt. Just not sure why. She asks, “What happened?”

Another girl walks around holding her injured arm. It seems like it might be broken. Linda asks if she’s ok and the girl doesn’t respond. Almost as if she doesn’t hear the question. There’s a zombie-like energy with people wandering around in a state of confusion. Wesley’s younger sister is there too. Right in the middle of this uneasy sort of calm.

I’m not sure how to explain what our brains are doing. But it’s not normal. I’m in the middle of a moment where I don’t seem to be doing much of anything. At one point, I ask Joey if he found his phone. I even start looking for it. Why? I have no idea. It’s just a few seconds of that. Because the cops show up incredibly fast.

The sheriff starts checking on Joey but Linda says go to Wesley. He needs more help. The look on the sheriff’s face is almost like he’s in a war zone. Maybe he knows who the driver is and that it wasn’t an accident. Earlier, a kid tried to break through the glass to let the driver out. We find out later there was a gun in the car. If the driver hadn’t flipped over, how many kids would have died? Was his plan to drive through them and then start shooting? He went to this high school a few years earlier. Was he bullied? Is this some sort of revenge?

The sheriff appears to be in a state of shock too – but it’s different. He has the tools to keep functioning. He’s performing tasks. Not wandering aimlessly. He and his colleague start tying yellow strings around the injured kids. I don’t know why. Maybe to indicate who needs help when the paramedics arrive. They yell for everyone to clear the area. We stagger away. In the same dreamlike state. Foggy. As we approach our car, two teenagers walk by saying, “Oh he’s dead” in a very casual tone. Their brains are not really grasping it. Even as they say the words. We get in the car and Linda immediately cries those primal tears you only hear a handful of times in your life. The ones that come from somewhere deep inside. After seeing something truly awful.

And then we drive home.

In a complete fog.

In the days that follow, it feels like one uppercut after the next. Realizing Wesley did die. And that it wasn’t just a horrible accident. It was the murder of a child that we saw. I realize that I’m so desensitized with all those crazy stories in the news. At this point, we all are. It’s like we almost have to be…just to get by. But, man, it’s such a different thing to experience. Even if you look at something huge like 9/11 – maybe there’s really just one difference between thinking “that’s so sad” and being rocked by the devastation. And the difference is being there.

Because then it’s not just a story.

It’s part of your story.  

But then there’s another level. A much deeper one. Something I have a hard time even imagining. Wesley was on his way home to celebrate his mom’s birthday. What is she going through? What happens to his little brother and sister?

My eyes well up whenever I think about it. I can feel the aching in my heart when my brain goes to those thoughts.

I watched him cross the street five seconds before.

And then I watched him die.

That next Friday, Linda and I wondered what plans Wesley would have made for the weekend. And we didn’t even know him. We’ve talked frequently about that day. Hugging each other a little more than usual. Dreams are extra vivid right now and often very disturbing. The frequency and intensity of those images will reduce over time. But it won’t (and can’t) be something I ever forget.

I hope you never end up in a situation like this. And I really hope this kind of thing never touches anyone you love. But, if you are ever in a moment like that, it’s almost like you have to try and snap yourself out of the fog. Because it doesn’t feel real in the moment. Your brain won’t be your best ally. Our brains have been known to protect us in some strange ways.

I changed the names above. Other than Wesley, of course. Whose name has been released publicly. Their family friend put up a GoFundMe page to help with funeral expenses. The goal was $15,000. Within a week, the total donations hit $250,000. So heartwarming to see such care and support. But, obviously, what that family wants is something more than money.

I hope you’ll read this and hug your loved ones today.

Everything can change in a second.

milenerdMay 2023

April 2023

Day In The Park

You’ve spotted him in passing. On the outskirts of your life.

He’s never with a buddy, there’s no way he has a wife.

In the produce aisle, he loiters. Strangely vacant type of stare.

Often sitting at your Starbucks with a cup of old despair.

Much like Pigpen from the comics in the orbit of his dirt.

Cloud of sadness over this guy. More than just an introvert.

You wonder, “What on earth could cause that level of decay?”

He looks so lost, detached from life, you cannot glance away.

Thoughts moving with velocity, you watch him as he goes.

Growing more unsettled now – what danger might he pose?

Lacking passion, we have nothing. You can see that he has none.

Could this be the kind of person who might show up with a gun?

That outcome unrealistic for all others you have known.

A sensation you feel strongly – he’s somewhere deeply all alone.

Can’t shake the possibility. Your questions still unsolved.

But, with just a little digging, this one might yet be resolved.

You fasten on your research hat to figure out his deal…

Observing him in public (your attention you conceal).

Growing frightened by this stranger, just so raw and out of place.

In such a tranquil neighborhood, no room for this nutcase.

The fragrance of his energy? Impending sense of doom.

At least your quirky neighbors act like humans in a room.

Just a glass half full of sanity is not too much to ask.

Right then you notice, in the park, he’s sipping on a flask.

The moment has arrived, wake up, you tell yourself inside.

“This time I will transcend above my tendency to hide.”

You summon all your courage as you charge across the grass:

“I know what you are up to. YOU NO LONGER GET A PASS!”

But when you land in his vicinity, you’re met by this surprise:

He’s not drinking any liquor and there’s moisture in his eyes.

On his lips is not a flask – it’s just a picture in a frame.

He kisses it so gently while your body fills with shame.

This man you viewed as dangerous once lived a different way.

Maybe sitting at the table where his daughter used to play.

Or perhaps the very spot where he once got down on his knee.

And now, this private moment, as he makes a silent plea.

A huge miscalculation, you can see it all so clear.

The one thing left to do, for you, is quickly disappear.

He’s so fully lost in memory and hasn’t seen your face.

You grab this opportunity. Your feet begin to race.

Humiliation rising – how did your radar go so wrong?

Someone’s heart completely broken…simply trying to hang on.

Head down, now sprinting fast you run. Back in your car with haste.

This spotlight burning hotter on “gut feelings” so misplaced.

You perceive the worst as instinct, now it penetrates your soul.

Unless you shed this habit, you’re about to lose control.

You say it in a whisper, “Worst assumptions aren’t fine.”

“Somehow I’ve lost my way. Enough. I need to draw the line.”

In this moment comes a lesson gripped so tightly in your hand:
Never again forgetting…
All that surrounds you are journeys…

You can’t fully understand.

milenerdApril 2023

March 2023


We interrupt our monthly storytelling for a quick administrative note.

I’ve gotten a few questions about this over the last year. Just wanted to quickly post my answers here to eliminate any confusion…

Yes, I’m aware of a blog that has tried to mimic the style of pre-retirement MileNerd.

No, I was not contacted about that beforehand.

Yes, there are some differences that don’t align with what MileNerd was about.

No, I am neither flattered nor bothered. Because it doesn’t belong to me. Obviously, that blogger has the right to do what he wants with his website. I did, however, ask him to remove the comparisons to MileNerd. Which he quickly and politely agreed to.

Yes, I wish that blogger the best. Truly. He seems like a nice and very smart man. I’m glad my years here made such an impact. I’d happily meet for dinner or drinks like I would with any of you. But, again, no current miles-and-points blog has any affiliation with MileNerd. There is no connection.

End of note. Back to our regularly scheduled storytelling next month.

milenerdMarch 2023